About us


Welcome to MVNO Index, your premier resource for everything related to MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators). I am Walter Botman, the proud owner and creator of this platform and a seasoned professional bringing over 25 years of experience in the dynamic world of Telecommunications.

My journey with MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), MVNEs, and MVNAs dates back to 2009. Since then my active involvement and a growing fascination of this dynamic sector leaded to a big passion.

In late 2020, my attention was captured by several individuals reaching out to me for my knowledge and expressing the challenges they faced in navigating the complexities of launching a Mobile Brand. They told me that valuable information was scattered across the internet was difficult to find and often buried in technical jargon. Their struggle to navigate the vast sea of information online, often technical and vendor-oriented, did not help them to start their own Mobile Brand and sparked an idea.

In response to this need, I envisioned a centralized one-stop hub, the MVNO Index, dedicated to sharing information, knowledge and facilitating the MVNO/Mobile Brand initiation process and their next steps to become a successful Mobile Brand / MVNO. Recognizing the need for consolidation, the vision included not only informative content but also comprehensive lists of Vendors/Solution Providers, Companies offering Services like Consultancy, Training, Project Support, and a curated list of relevant Events. To ensure accessibility, I also compiled a glossary containing essential Telecom terms and abbreviations.

What began as a seemingly straightforward concept in early 2021 turned into a meticulous project. Evenings, weekends, and occasional holidays were dedicated to this endeavor, driven by the commitment to provide a valuable resource. Countless hours were invested in designing, refining informational pages, rewriting content, updating data, and perfecting the overall aesthetics.

In closing, I trust that the result of this effort meets your expectations and proves as a valuable instrument in your journey to successfully launch your MVNO/Mobile Brand, and that it also helps you to improve your existing MVNO / Mobile Brand.

In case you notice something which can be improved or could be added then feel free to reach out to me.

Warm regards,

Walter Botman
MVNO Index Owner

PS: The distinctive orange color. It’s not just a design choice; it’s a nod to my Dutch roots and adding a personal touch to the MVNO Index identity. The vibrant orange reflects my passion to MVNO similar to the passion of the Dutch sport fans (just google “Dutch orange fans”).